About Wade Norris Logging
Wade Norris Logging, LLC has operated successfully since 1992. Being located in Jackson, Tennessee, we are able to serve all of West Tennessee. Our logging company works with various sawmills throughout West Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky. Wade Norris Logging, LLC is not obligated to any sawmill so our company is able to obtain the best price for the type timber owned by our customers. Wade Norris has maintained good business relationships with many sawmills throughout the region which benefits our customers, as well.
Wade Norris, owner and founder, works hard to provide customer satisfaction. Upon a landowner’s request, Wade will inspect and evaluate a tract of timber at no charge. Wade’s experience can help guide customers with decisions regarding the management of their timber. If Wade believes that a landowner will benefit by postponing a harvest, he will make that recommendation, as well. At Wade Norris Logging, LLC, our goal is to harvest timber by implementing practices that sustain our customers’ timber for the future. Wade Norris understands the importance of getting the most for your commodity while taking care of your land and forest.
Because Wade seeks to exceed industry standards, he is a “certified” master logger. He has chosen to implement stricter guidelines required by the certification, which relates to environmental factors and safety measures. When a logging job is complete, the appropriate county forester is contacted to inspect the worksite. Proper water quality, erosion control, and cleanliness are areas the forester can inspect to help ensure the forest is healthy for the future. Of course, the landowner is not required to have the inspection but recommended. Another benefit of the certification is a higher pay rate for the timber sold. Certain mills pay a higher rate for wood from “certified” master loggers, which is a plus for our environment and profit, as well.
Top quality work from start to finish.
Meets high industry standards as a certified master logger.
Committed to safe work habits.
Replanting services available.
Doing the job right for a healthy environment.