Wade Norris Logging in Brownsville States-Graphic
Norris receives FRA’s 2016 Southcentral Region Outstanding Logger Award
Source: Brownsville States-Graphic – statesgraphic.com

Wade Norris (center) receives FRA’s Southcentral Region (SCR) Outstanding Logger Award from SCR Chairman Gary Beacher (left) and STIHL Southwest’s Jude Vidrine (right).
Roanoke, VA – The Forest Resources Association and STIHL Incorporated honored Wade Norris of Wade Norris Logging, LLC in Jackson, Tennessee, as the Southcentral Region 2016 Outstanding Logger at FRA’s Southcentral Region Awards Dinner in Lake Charles, Louisiana on May 18. FRA’s Southcentral Region Chairman Gary Beacher presented Norris with a wooden crosscut-saw plaque, and STIHL Southwest’s Jude Vidrine presented him with a gift certificate for a STIHL MS 461 chain saw and $250 check.
Wade Norris serves a customer base throughout west Tennessee, with hardwood harvesting as his specialty. Although Norris practices a variety of harvest types, he most often does improvement types of timber harvest with the objective of improving the health and quality of the residual stand. A Tennessee and Kentucky Master Logger, Norris is also a Certified Master Logger through University of Kentucky’s Center for Forest and Wood Certification. This certification includes the requirement to have a county forester inspect his harvest job upon completion and is useful for the chain-of-custody needs of wood-receiving mills. It also shows that Wade Norris is proud of his work and does not shy away from public scrutiny of his operation. In fact, Wade has an excellent website, www.WadeNorrisLogging.com, which includes his company’s mission statement, policy, and testimonials. Wade Norris’ attention to detail includes keeping a squeaky-clean shop for servicing his equipment and an outstanding safety program that has resulted in a very low worker’s compensation insurance “experience mod rating” of 0.76.
Wade’s wife (and co-owner) Tammy is vital to the success of the business, and Wade’s father, uncle, and nephew are also part of the team. Wade takes care of his crew members by offering a retirement plan to all employees, and he encourages keeping physically fit, having run in many distance races himself–including two Boston Marathons.
A past winner of the Tennessee Forestry Association’s Logger of the Year, Wade Norris is a true professional and another example of an outstanding logging family.
FRA’s Outstanding Logger Award program is designed to raise the visibility of professional logging contractors and to encourage other loggers to adopt the performance of the award winners. The Regional Award winner becomes a nominee for FRA’s National Outstanding Logger recognition.
The Forest Resources Association Inc. is a nonprofit trade association concerned with the safe, efficient, and sustainable harvest of forest products and their transport from woods to mill. FRA represents wood consumers, independent logging contractors, and wood dealers, as well as businesses providing products and services to the forest resource-based industries.
STIHL Incorporated serves as the sponsor of FRA’s Regional and National Outstanding Logger Awards.